

Strong Trajectory

Do you feel empty? Discouraged? Have you tried all sorts of things, but without success or lasting results? Are you getting stuck? Can’t keep up?


With us, you work under professional guidance. You don’t just do this in conjunction with an experienced personal trainer. Body and mind are connected, as we at Mosso know from experience. Sometimes, sport alone is not enough and you need a little more to take the next step in your personal development. That is why we offer you a total package of personal coaching based on a holistic approach that guarantees results.

Completely tailored to your needs and goals. Because a healthy body also needs healthy food as a base, the nutritionist will help you come up with food plans, recipes and tips to become and stay vital. No calorie-counting, starvation diet, but energy-rich foods tailored to your workouts.

We know from experience that mindset is key to achieving your goals, so this program includes a life coach. Old beliefs and barriers will be replaced by new goals, skills and knowledge, which will make you mentally and emotionally stronger. This will become noticeable not only in your workouts but also in your daily life.

The personal trainer, life coach, and nutritionist work together to guide you to visible results and lasting changes. We literally and figuratively put you in motion!

The Forte program lasts 12 weeks. You will receive:

An intake interview:
– 12 personal training sessions or life coaching sessions
– 2 coaching sessions with the nutritionist, including nutritional schedules
– Free participation in all Mosso boxing and bootcamp training sessions
– An end-of-course interview

Any Age

Our training courses are available for different ages. WIj believes that everyone can play sports.

Different locations

Lisbon has many beautiful places. Let’s alternate between these different points.

Professional Instructors

Our professional trainers strive to get the best out of you and others with these training sessions.

When it suits you

Our service is totally customized for you; you decide when you train.

We The Calis emerged in 2020 and its main goal is to impact people’s lives in a positive way through Calisthenics which is a modality that has the ability to transform not only the physical aspect but also to change people’s lifestyles, Calisthenics is a unique sport where you use your own body weight and it gives you skills that most people don’t have.

When I created we the calis I thought of “Union”, bringing together different people with the same goals and motivating each other to evolve and reach their best version, because without union no one can really evolve.

One of the concepts of We The Calis de is to show that anyone is capable of doing this sport and that it is possible to develop muscle mass with workouts in which you use only your own body weight and gain skills that seemed impossible along the way!

I want to be able to help that person who is overweight and wants to lose weight, the thin person who wants to gain weight, help those who don’t like the gym environment and are looking for lighter and calmer environments to start their workouts, that person who needs help and is willing to make the necessary changes to reach their goal!

Our trainers work purposefully. So the three most important questions are “What do I want?” “What do I want this for?” and “How will I get this?” Training objectives will help you on your way to setting a specific measurable goal for yourself. Keep it acceptable, realistic, and determine the length of the process together with your trainer. Our personal trainers will be happy to guide you with the right strategy for your goal.

Building muscle is not easy. It takes the right approach and the right knowledge. Don’t know where to start or don’t want a schedule that works? Our strength training experts will be happy to look together at an approach that will lead you to your goal.

Correcting the wrong posture, both during exercise and outside of exercise, makes it easier to move. Our trainers are happy to help you with this. Contact us to find out what we can do for you.